piątek, 13 maja 2016

Politics 1

rozpaść się (o koalicji) – to disintegrate / collapse
sondaż – (public opinion) poll, survey
przewaga – in elections: lead (advantage, edge) over someone

Names of companies
                Przemysłowe Centrum Optyki (PCO)
                Generally we do not translate, and often we use the Polish abbreviation.
usual ways of describing companies:              
w Warszawie – the Warsaw-based PCO
amerykańska firma – the US-based company

 porozumienia offsetowe – agreements/contracts

Defining clause or extra information clause?
odpowiedzialny za porozumienia minister obrony
NOT: the responsible for agreements defense minister (word order)
But which do we mean?
…ten z ministrów obrony, ktory jest odpowiedzialny za porozumienia offsetowe
(defining clause, no commas in English)
…minister obrony, ktory (notabene) jest odpowiedzialny za porozumienia offsetowe
(extra information clause, commas in English)              

skłonić kogoś – urge (persuade, convince), put pressure on
wywiązać się z – to fulfil (fulfill) a promise, to make good on an obligation, to perform a contract
osoby – people, individuals (more formal), persons (very legal/technical and formal)
ekonomia – NOT: economy but economics
gospodarcze – economic, not economical

Defining clause or extra information clause?
Wszyscy wysocy rangą oficerowie, którzy ukończyli akademie w byłym ZSRR
Which do we mean:
Ci wysocy rangą oficerowie, którzy ukończyli akademie w byłym ZSRR
Wysocy rangą oficerowie (którzy notabene ukończyli akademie w byłym ZSRR)

informator – NOT: informer (kapuś), informant, source
praca – work vs. job, position (more formal)
odejść – resign, step down, (generally, rezygnować is not resign)
należy do – is among, is one of
poseł – deputy (for clarity: parliamentary deputy), MP (member of parliament), sometimes: seats in parliament
w porównaniu do – NOT: comparing to but compared to/with, in comparison to/with
majątek – assets, property (here NOT: fortune)
duży – NOT: big, little (aside from certain collocations, these words are informal), large, small, here: great
klub parlamentarny – parliamentary caucus (although "parliamentary club" is also used)
w internecine – on the Internet, NOT: in the internet
afera – scandal, affair, issue
stosunki – relations NOT: relationships
zależy od – depends on, depends upon (more formal), hinges on/upon (even more formal)
m.in. – NOT automatically: among others (this means among other people), among other things, among other X, (among other factors), inter alia
(z)rezygnować – NOT: resign from, give up, abandon plans, claims
roszczenia do nieruchomości – claims to property? claims for property? claims of property? property claims!
w razie – NOT: in case (generally na wypadek, na zaś); If… or a more formal “fancy conditional” with inversion: Should something happen;  In the event something happens
So, here: If necessary, Should it become necessary, Should the necessity/need arise,
wykluczyć - throw someone out (informal), expel (more formal) NOT: exclude
ocenić – transitive issue! assess something, think/feel that…, reckon that (more formal)
wynieść – first solution to consider: to be;
pozwolić – transitive issue! – allow/enable someone to do something, allow/enable something to be done
zachęcić – transitive issue! encourage someone to do something
uzasadnić – transitive issue! justify something, argue/claim that…
premier – prime minister, premier (historically, communist countries)
media – the media (is)
różne media – various media sources (are)
informować – transitive issue! inform someone, report that…
łapówka – bribe, to pass/take a bribe, backhander (UK), kick-back („prowizja”)
zaprzeczyć – transitive issue! deny something (deny this, the reports, the allegations „zarzuty”)
wszystko, co – all/everything (that) can be said NOT: all/everything what can be said
w tej sprawie – on that issue, (formal) in this regard
Niespodzianka nas czeka (idiom) – We face a surprise…, There is a surprise in store for us…, There are changes ahead (for us)…, There are changes in our future…
wolność – freedom, liberty (swoboda)
korzystać z wolności/przywileju/prawa (collocation) – to exercise a privilege/right;
zarzuty – accusations, charges (legal sense, postawione przez prokuratorzy), allegations (ktoś komuś zarzuca, że…) (to make allegations, level allegations against sb)
odpierać zarzuty (collocation) – refute accusations

politics (aktywność polityczna, życie publiczne)

Rokita rezygnował z polityki.
Rokita gave up politics.
Powinniśmy się przyzwyczaić do tego, że byli premierzy czy byli prezydenci są aktywni w życiu publicznym
We should get used to former prime ministers and former presidents being active in politics.

policy – generally on one specific issue

polityka zagraniczna – foreign policy
polityka zdrowia – health-care policy
policies – on a broader range of issues

Wyrazem tego była m.in. zeszłoroczna wizyta prezydenta Busha w Brukseli oraz próba pogodzenia się ze "starą" Europą. W przypadku Niemiec ułatwił to wybór Angeli Merkel, w przypadku Francji - wyraźne złagodzenie antyamerykańskiego ostrza jej polityki.
This was manifest in such things as President Bush’s visit to Brussels last year, and his attempt to patch things up with “old” Europe. In the case of Germany this was facilitated by Angela Merkel’s election, in the case of France by the dulling of the anti-US sting in its policies.

1)  prezes
prezes firmy – company president - CEO
prezesi firmy (prezes + wice prezesi) – company executives, management
Wtedy prezesi PZU Grzegorz Wieczerzak i Wladyslaw Jamrozy zdecydowali się sprzedac akcje BIG Deutsche Bankowi.
Then PZU executives Grzegorz Wieczerzak and Wladyslaw Jamrozy decided to sell BIG shares to Deutsche Bank.
prezes partii – party chairman (less formally: party leader, party chief, party head)
prezes urzędu, agencji, instytucji – (institution) chief, e.g. chief of police, CIA chief (although in Poland “president” is used)
prezes banku centralnego – central bank governor (although in Poland, more officially, "President of the National Bank of Poland" is used)
prezes Rady Ministrów – prime minister (although more officially, for instance in the constitution, "President of the Council of Ministers" is used)
Art. 198. Za naruszenie Konstytucji lub ustawy, w związku z zajmowanym stanowiskiem lub w zakresie swojego urzędowania, odpowiedzialność konstytucyjną przed Trybunałem Stanu ponoszą: Prezydent Rzeczypospolitej, Prezes Rady Ministrów oraz członkowie Rady Ministrów, Prezes Narodowego Banku Polskiego, Prezes Najwyższej Izby Kontroli, członkowie Krajowej Rady Radiofonii i Telewizji, osoby, którym Prezes Rady Ministrów powierzył kierowanie ministerstwem oraz Naczelny Dowódca Sił Zbrojnych.
Polish constitution, translation from poland.pl
Article 198 For violations of the Constitution or of a statute committed by them within their office or within its scope, the following persons shall be constitutionally accountable to the Tribunal of State: the President of the Republic, the Prime Minister and members of the Council of Ministers, the President of the National Bank of Poland, the President of the Supreme Chamber of Control, members of the National Council of Radio Broadcasting and Television, persons to whom the Prime Minister has granted powers of management over a ministry, and the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.
prezes Parliamentu Europejskiego – president of the European Parliament
prezes Komisji Europejskiej – president of the European Commission
more colloquially and generally:
prezes – head (although this is not a title)

2)  głowa / szef
głowa / szef państwa – president
szef rzadu – prime minister
szef ministerstwa – minister of X

Szefowie Państw i Rządów Organizacji Traktatu Północnoatlantyckiego i Ukrainy spotkali się dziś w Stambule
the Heads of State and Government of NATO and Ukraine met today in Istanbul

szef partii – party chairman
szef klubu – parliamentary caucus chief/head
szef sejmowej komisji spraw zagranicznych Pawel Zalewski
Pawel Zalewski, chairman of the Sejm Foreign Affairs Committee,
szef Polskiego Komitetu Olympijskiego – chairman of the Polish Olympic Committee
szef gabinetu (politycznego) – bureau chief
chief of staff – (rarely used French term: chef de gabinet)

3)  zastępca, wice, p.o.
Use "vice" only in collocation with "president":
wice prezes firmy – vice president NOT: deputy president
Otherwise it is safest to use "deputy" for wice
wice prezes partii – deputy chairman (although "vice chairman" is also sometimes used)
zastępca dyrektora – deputy director, assistant director
For pełniący obowiązków use "acting":
p.o. dyrektor – acting director

1)  "Dynamics"
       In English, "dynamics" is a subject of physics (as opposed to "statics")
       English "dynamics" also means fluctuations over a longer period: "Poland saw excellent export dynamics in the 1990s” - (długofalowa) dynamika (zmian) eksportu

Dynamika liczebności populacji badanych gatunków
Population dynamics of studied species
Założył Zakład Sejsmologii, a potem Zakład Dynamiki Wnętrza Ziemi w In­stytucie Geofizyki PAN w War­szawie, którym kierował w la­tach 1970–72.
He founded the Center for Seismology and then the Center of the Earth's Interior Dynamics at the PAN Institute of Geophysics in Warsaw, which he directed in 1970-72.

2)  "Momentum"
Po powstaniu CBA w 2006 walka z praniem brudnych pieniędzy rzeczywiście nabrała dynamiki.
Following the creation of the Central Anticorruption Office (CBA), the fight against money laundering is really gaining momentum.

3)  Dynamika/tempo wzrostu
dynamika/tempo wzrostu – pace/rate of growth, growth rate, growth

Wysoka dynamika wzrostu ekonomicznego (np. w pewnym roku)

WRONG:        High dynamics of economic growth...
                        Fast growth dynamics...

RIGHT:            The fast/high pace of economic growth seen this year will continue.
The fast/high economic growth rate forecast for 2008 will be exceeded.
Fast/high economic growth is an important factor of Poland's economic stability.

Wysoka dynamika wzrostu ekonomicznego wynika m.in. z niskiego wskaźnika inflacji. 
The fast/high pace of economic growth (stems from) the low index of inflation, among other factors.
Fast/high economic growth…
Wyższe tempo wzrostu produkcji przemysłu wynikało po części z większej liczby dni roboczych w porównaniu z grudniem.
Faster/higher growth (pace of growth) in industrial output was in part the outcome of a higher number of working days as compared to/with December.

Obserwowany obecnie wzrost kredytów dla przedsiębiorstw, przy ich dużych środkach własnych związanych z bardzo dobrymi wynikami finansowymi w 2006 r., może zapowiadać utrwalenie wysokiej dynamiki inwestycji.
The growth currently observed in corporate lending, in tandem with enterprises' substantial own funds derived from their very good financial results in 2006, may indicate that the currently robust investment growth will be sustained.

naruszyć (pogwałcić, złamać) – to contravene [artykuł, regulamin, zakaz]; contravention; to infringe [copyright, patent, prawa, przepisy]; infringement; to violate [prawo, prywatność, umowę]; violation; to breach [protokół, konst., tajemnica](verb and noun)

odwolać/powolać – appoint / dismiss; install (as); recall / oust (from a post) Slang: to sack
powolać z powrotem – appoint => reappoint X, appoint X anew

resort – usually: ministry

dążyć do – press for, push for elections, strive for elections Not: strive to do something

Antics of polish politicians
The antics of Polish politicians

Independence of the judiciary
The independence of the judiciary

·         majority

a two-thirds majority
a majority of two-thirds

collocations with "majority"

bezwzględna większość  absolute / outright majority
znakomita większość   considerable/substantial majority
ogromna większość vast majority
przytłaczająca większość overwhelming majority

·         sekretarz stanu

secretary in US = minister in Poland = secretary/minister in UK
secretary of state in US = foreign minister in Poland = foreign minister/secretary in UK

sekretarz stanu = deputy minister
one way of handling this is:
first deputy minister of = sekretarz stanu w ministerstwie ...
second deputy minister of = podsekretarz stanu w ministerstwie...

·         wniosek petition, application, motion - submit / put forward / file /

1)  Translating jednak
"Jednak" is a very common word in Polish discourse, often even occurring in consecutive sentences. The job of the translator is to decide how much "weight" to ascribe to jednak (or jednakże, etc.) in a given case, and to choose from the following hierarchy:
Less "weight"
(omit jednak altogether)
…, however, …        (middle position is a bit "softer")
On the other hand
Yet                                     (generally not followed by a comma)
More "weight"
Note that not all of these words are exchangeable in every situation and may have subtle nuances. For example, "still" works best to note another factor that has not yet been taken into consideration, which could undermine an emerging potential conclusion:
 W ostatnim badaniu GfK Polonia dla "Rz" partia Tuska otrzymała 32 proc. poparcia. Prawo i Sprawiedliwość - 29. Na trzecim miejscu jest umacniająca się lewica. Jednak aż kilkanaście procent ankietowanych nie wie, na kogo zagłosuje.
In a recent poll taken by GfK Polonia for Rzeczpospolita,] Tusk's party received 32 percent support, Law and Justice 29 percent, with the ever-stronger left coming in third place. Still, well over 10 percent of those surveyed do not know who they will vote for.
2)  "however" does not connect two sentences
Note that "however" is different from jednak in that "however" cannot be used to connect two sentences (like "but" or "and"). Therefore, one can use two separate sentences linked conceptually by "however," or combine the two sentences using a semicolon plus "however" (this is quite formal and academic-looking), or use some other connective form the list above.
 Chciała pojechać, jednak nie pojechała.
She wanted to go, but did not.
She wanted to go. However, she did not.
She wanted to go, yet did not.
She wanted to go; however, she did not.
Note that the same rule applies to "nevertheless/nonetheless" (incidentally, as well as to "therefore"):
 She wanted to go. Nevertheless, she did not.
She wanted to go; nevertheless, she did not.
3)  interesting uses of "jednak":
 Zadzwonić do Jarosława Kaczyńskiego i powiedzieć: No, panowie, nie puszczajcie takich bzdur!
– Rozmawialiśmy wielokrotnie, oni się w tych rozmowach zachowują osobiście przyjaźnie, ale mówią, że muszą ograniczyć naszą przewagę i że to jest najlepsza metoda. To jest jednak walka o władzę.
In the end, this is a struggle for power.
When it is all said and done, this is a struggle for power
This really is a struggle for power
A nie jest tak, przynajmniej jeśli chodzi o Tuska, że tak po prostu przyszło, bo się okazał najbardziej umiarkowanym i równocześnie spokojnie i logicznie mówiącym kandydatem?
– Takie rzeczy nie przychodzą za darmo. To jednak dobra kampania, bardzo dobra reklama, pasująca do prezydentury osobowość Tuska, to znaczy inteligentna, stanowcza, ale i łagodna. Tusk ma prezydencką osobowość, ja jej nie mam, zresztą Lech Kaczyński też nie ma prezydenckiej osobowości.
it really was a good campaign
it was indeed a good campaign
it was in fact a good campaign
 4)  position and commas
For "however", "nevertheless" and "nonetheless", initial position (with commas) is stronger, while "middle" position is softer. Not using commas with "nevertheless" and "nonetheless" in middle position is even softer, but has a more literary bent:

(…) Podobnie argumentuje Paweł Śpiewak z PO. Obaj politycy opozycji wyrażają jednak obawy, że PiS może wykorzystać wybory jako pretekst do opóźnienia procesu uzgadniania nowego traktatu
Pawel Spiewak from the PO argues similarly. Both opposition politicians nevertheless express fears that PiS could use the elections as a pretext to delay the process of agreeing upon a new treaty.
Note that the right location for "middle position" is between the helping verbs and the main verb:
WRONG: Its application has been however hampered by the problems with glycosylation of the enzyme, which seems essential for its activity.
(PAN annual report 2006, Inst.Bio.Mol, grab polish?)
RIGHT: Its application, however, has been hampered by the problems with glycosylation of the enzyme, which seems essential for its activity.

International Organizations






Acronyms, or abbreviations read as word, do not use "the":







Abbreviations not read as word, but as individual letters, generally do use “the” (since they contain a countable noun like "union", "organization", etc.)



è the EU


è the UN (not: UNO)

Europejska Agencja Kosmiczna (EAK)

è the ESA


Note that acronyms/abbreviations are not always the same:


è The IRA  ("the I. R. A.")


The UN

l  Karta ONZ

     Charter of the United Nations

l  Zgromadzenie Ogólne

     General Assembly

l  Sekretarz generalny -

     Secretary General (plural?)

l  p.o.


l  Rada Bezpieczeństwa

     Security Council

l  stały członek

     permanent member


Annan speech:


l Trygve Lie  - Norwegian, first Secretary General

l Brian Urquhart

l Gladwyn Jebb

l Lord (David) Hannay

l Sam Daws


Annan speech:


l  UNA-UK - Stowarzyszenie Narodów Zjednoczonych w Wielkiej Brytanii

l  Group of Eight - G8

     (Grupa siedmiu najbardziej uprzemysłowionych państw świata i Rosji)

l  High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change - Panel Wysokiego Szczebla ds. Zagrożeń, Wyzwań i. Zmiany

l  Millennium Project – Projekt Milenijny (ONZ) (adopted 2000)

l  Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) - Milenijne Cele Rozwoju (to be achieved by 2015)

l  Peacebuilding Commission - Komisja Budowania Pokoju

l  Democracy Fund - Fundusz na Rzecz Demokracji

l  African Union - Unia Afrykańska

l  International Atomic Energy Agency - Międzynarodowa Agencja Energii Atomowej


Annan speech:


Tricky issues:


l “whistle-blower”


l The UK “punches above its weight” in world politics.


Vocab to guess

l czystka etniczna - ethnic c____________


l dawca - d____________


l gmach - e______________________


l kompromitowany - compromised, d____________


l ludobójstwo - g____________


l materiały rozczepialne

    fissile materials

l mieć głęboką nadzieję

    to hope fervently

l nierozprzestrzenianie


l obdarzyć - give,

    endow sb with

l pięściarz – boxer


l plaga – plague


l pomoc humanitarna - humanitarian aid,


l popierać - support,



l powołać na - appoint,


l przestrzegać praw człowieka

    respect human rights

l restrukturyzacja - restructuring,


l rozbrojenie


l rządy prawa

   rule of law  

l samowolna kara

   arbitrary punishment

l solidny, silny - solid, strong,


l szef gabinetu - o_________ ch___________,     chef de cabinet

l umorzenie długu

   debt relief

l upokarzający

   humiliating, demeaning

l wolności od nędzy

   freedom from want

l założenie - assumption,


l zaniechać


l zaprzepaszczona szansa - lost chance –

   squandered chance

l zobowiązać się do czegoś, zobowiązanie –

   undertake to do something, undertaking

l żywy interes

   keen interest

l "własny interes", grupy walczący o własny interes –

   vested interests

pęknięcie(party) split / rift / fracture; cause a split/rift in the party (rozłam)
rezygnacja – resigning/resignation (from a post); give up (on) doing something, abandon plans to do something; opt not to do something; forgo the chance to do something
wiarygodnośćcredibility NOT: reliability
dążyć do – strive to do something; endeavor to do something
warto – one/we/someone should do something; something should be done; it is/would be a good idea to; it is/would be advisable to
dziedzictwoNOT: inheritance; heritage (something good); legacy (neutral, something left behind, spuścizna)
zatruć atmosferępoison the atmosphere; sour; spoil
potrójnytriple, składajacy się z trzech elementów: threefold
państwo opiekuńczewelfare state
nadużyciato abuse one’s powers/authority; to overstep one’s powers/authority; abuses of power/authority; excesses
 "malfeasance" = misconduct or wrongdoing, especially by a public official (American Heritage Dictionary) Not: malpractice (doctor, lawyer)
rozliczyć – settle accounts with someone (financial); settle scores with someone (porachunki); come to terms with one's past (przeszłość)
 rozliczyć kogośhold someone to account for something; hold someone responsible for something
 rozliczyć jakieś działanie (zbadać) – review, scrutinize, probe, review, examine
 rozliczyć się przed kimś – to answer to someone for something
(przed wyborcami) to report back to voters (on one's performance in office)
 rozliczyć się za coś – (EU projects, business trip) to document one’s expenses,
służby specjalne
There is unfortunately no blanket term in English that accurately reflects the range of Polish "służby specjalne". Some options are:
intelligence services/agencies (służby informacyjno-wywiadowcze)
This category consists of: security agencies (
służby bezpieczeństwa), dealing with domestic security, and foreign intelligence agencies (służby wywiadu), concerned with foreign countries
special services –term often used in Poland (although it is misleading since "special services" in many countries is a synonym for “special forces” = "siły specjalne", highly-trained military units, such as GROM in Poland)
secret services – a possible term for undercover intelligence (ABW, WSI), but it carries connotations of connotations of "secret police" (= "służby specjalne" responsible for supporting a totalitarian regime, e.g. Poland's SB during the Communist era)
Moreover, in the US, "Secret Service" = Poland's
BOR, protecting high-level government officials (in addition to fighting fraud and counterfeiting)
 (special) police bodies/institutions, (special) law-enforcement bodies, terms which may refer to such institutions as CBA and CBS in Poland

Służba cywilna – civil service
 Służba dyplomatyczna / korpus dyplomatyczny – diplomatic corps (pronounced like "core"), foreign service
 Służba wojskowa – military service
 Służba publiczna – public service
 Służba zdrowia – heath-care service, health care system

komisja(standing) parliamentary committee; Sejm Budget Committee, Sejm Defense Committee
 For example: „komisja orlenowska” – (parliamentary) investigative commission probing the Orlen affair

 likwidować = liquidate:
too liquidate a company, a company's assets (during bankruptcy)
to place a company into liquidation
to liquidate (kill) a political enemy
 likwidować ≠ liquidate:

likwidować instytucję, urząd
get rid of (colloquial)
scrap (journalistic slang)
dissove, disband
likwidować biedę, korupcję, przestępstwo,
eradicate poverty, corruption, crime
likwidować praktykę, przepisy
abolish a practice, regulations

provocation (uncountable in this sense)
countable options:
police set-up, instigation
technical legal sense:
ustalić najwyższy poziom:
to limit/cap
set/put a limit/cap on (budgetary spending)
 Polska musi ograniczyć deficyt.
Poland needs to limit/cap its deficit.
reduce / lower / diminish / bring something down
 Polska musi ograniczyć inflację
Poland needs to lower inflation / bring inflation down.
 zahamować / „trzymać na wodzy”
curb / curtail (growth, appetite)
 Polska musi ograniczyć wzrost inflacji.
Poland needs to curb growth in inflation.
 scientists, the scientific community
(nauki ścisłe)
 researchers, the reserach community
(badanie naukowe)
 academics, the academic community
(uniwersytety, profesorowie, nawet od nauk społecznych, historycy, itd.)
 prawnik / adwokat lawyer, attorney, barrister / solicitor  (a distinction drawn in the UK)
 entrepreneur is not quite the same as businessman
 “the business community”
 two kinds: libel (written) and slander (oral)


We would be pleased to, We are eager to     (glad to – informal)
HERE NOT: we are willing to  (why not: someone else’s initiative)


HERE NOT: it is worth
It is worthwhile to do something      It is a good idea to                 It is advisable to

plenipotentiary for      government officer for equal rights (ds. równouprawnienia)
Other ideas: commissioner (but could be confused with EU meaning?)
representative (perhaps too general?)

safety  security

ze strony X
On someone’s part (that was a thoughtful gesture on someone’s part)

reprehensible / blameworthy              "there's nothing wrong with X”

treason (of country)               betrayal (of ideas, principles)             (infidelity…)

wręcz przeciwnie
on the contrary           quite the opposite       just the opposite

podjąć decyzję
take a decision (UK, formal)             make a decision (universal)
But only one noun: decision making

wycofać się ze słów, obietnic
backing out of (statements, promises)           backpedaling on something

the partitions of Poland         (the time when the Polish lands were under foreign occupation)

to take the position that         to take the stance that
zająć twarde stanowisko - to take a stand

zrywać tradycję
To break with tradition

(stosunki) improve, repair, mend       (służba zdrowia) reform

epoch-making (k)       here maybe: a landmark, a milestone, a historic moment

forced displacements (wypędzenia – expulsions)
wypędzeni – expellees
wysiedleniec / uchodźca        (internally) displaced person / refugee
na uchodźstwie          (government) in exile

być zwolennikiem
To be a supporter, advocate   To support, advocate

Members of European Parliament     MEPs              Euro-MPs       Euro-deputies



Resigning from a post/position
give up (on) doing something
abandon plans to do something
opt not to do something

the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (the OECD)



(I guess)  I suppose

restraint, moderation

Dynamics is a subject of physics
Strict economic sense: fluctuations over a longer period: "Poland saw excellent export dynamics in the 1990s”
"Po powstaniu CBA w 2006 walka z praniem brudnych pieniędzy rzeczywiście nabrała dynamiki.
Following the creation of the Central Anticorruption Agency (CBA), the fight agasint money laundering is really gaining momentum.
"Dynamika/tempo wzrostu”:    pace/rate/pace of growth         growth rate       growth

papiery skarbowe treasury securities
Treasury bills (T-bills) bon skarbowy (maturity in one year or less)
Treasury notes (T-notes)           średnioterminowe obligacje skarbowe (2-10 years) 
Treasury bonds (T-bonds) długoterminowe obligacje skarbowe (10+)

przeznaczyć allocate for/to, earmark for, (allot to)

wpływy, przychody revenue, tax revenue, (ze sprzedaży) sales receipts (in business), proceeds from privatisation

nakłady outlays

law, statute, statutory law (passed by parliament)
Ustawa o zamówieniach publicznych  the Public Procurement Act
Ustawa – Prawo Telekomunikacyjne  the Telecommunications Law

projekt ustawy   bill, draft law
projekt reformy draft reform

rozporządzenie decree (resolution)
zarządzenie ordinance
EU: directive and regulation

Stawka podatkowa tax rate
Próg podatkowy           tax threshold
Przedział podatkowy tax bracket
Zwolniony z podatku exempt, tax-exempt

ulga, etc.
Ulga podatkowa           tax break (informal), tax relief (formal)
Odliczenie, odpis tax deduction
Świadczenie benefit

-monger Ironmonger, Fishmonger, (Whoremonger / Flesh monger), Warmonger, Hatemonger, Fearmonger, Scandalmonger, Gossipmonger, (Newsmonger), (Wordmonger)

przyjąć, uchwalić to pass a law, to enact a law, to adopt a law

podwyżka rise (UK), raise (US), pay raise, salary raise

obniżyć, zmniejszyć lower the deficit, bring down the deficit, cut the deficit (cut taxes)

wzrost, zmniejszenie wzrost inflacji = a/the growth in inflation, a/the increase in inflation
(simpler) increased inflation, higher inflation
zmniejszanie długu publicznego the reduction of the public debt, reducing the public debt  (WHO?), a lower public debt

równowaga budżetowa “budget balance”? “budgetary balance”? -> “balanced budget”

figure - situation
 Według szacunków "Rz" przychody wzrosły w roku 2005 z ok. 1,5 miliarda zł do ponad 2 mld w 2006 roku.
Rzeczpospolita's estimates indicate that revenue rose from some 1.5 billion zlotys in 2005 to more than 2 billion in 2006.

The per capita public debt in Poland will reach 14,500 PLN by the end of 2007. The debt-to-GDP ratio in Poland is lower than in Hungary but over twice that in Ireland. If the privatization of most state-owned companies were taken to its completion, even without those of strategic significance/import for state security, 40-60 billion PLN could be raised.

[follow through with something]
[take something to its completion]

According to yesterday's Central Statistical Office (GUS) report, industrial output increased 10.6 percent in October 2007 in comparison to October 2006. This is one of the indicators which offer hope that the economic growth will stay at 5-6 percent. Due/owing to that, the debt-to-GDP ratio is below the safe level of 50 percent despite Poland's higher indebtedness.

That has been preventing the debt-to-GDP ratio from exceeding the safe level of 50 percent, despite the fact that Poland's debts have been increasing/ despite Poland's mounting debt.  However, such a comfortable situation may change in the nearest future, thus the new finance minister, Jacek Rostowski, must allow for it in his plans.

On Saturday the minister of finance is due to present to the Sejm a new draft budget for 2008 that was prepared by the former/outgoing government. The previous one did not allow for a loss of 3.6 billion PLN in revenues on account of the double tax relief for parents with children, the so-called becikowe (or "baby wrap money") (one-time/one-off payments for new mothers) and slightly/somewhat higher unemployment benefits. The amendments/alterations/modifications are due to be made at the committee stage.

Salary/wage expectations in the budget/public sector are on the rise and problems with financing the health care system still exist, while economists estimate/predict/forecast that Poland's economy will decelerate in 2008. [will experience a slowdown] It was the higher than expected GDP growth rate that has improved the debt-to-GDP ratio in recent years, although the state has incurred/taken on new debts amounting to 40 billion PLN every year. This prevented the debt from reaching 50 percent of the GDP; however, when the tempo of growth slows, the ratio/proportion/relation/indicator will deteriorate and the problem will have to be discussed again. Apart from that/Moreover, the budget allocates 27-35 billion PLN for the servicing of our bonds every year.



Ministries / Departments


Ministerstwo Obrony


the Ministry of Defense


the Defense Ministry


     the Ministry of Defence (Defence Ministry)





     the Department of Defense (Defense Department)




minister obrony


the minister of defense


the defense minister


     the minister of defence (defence minister)




     the secretary of defense
(the defense secretary)



Ministerstwo Finansów


the Ministry of Finance


the Finance Ministry


     Her Majesty’s Treasury



     the Department of the Treasury (Treasury Department)



minister finansów


the minister of finance

the finance minister


     the chancellor of the exchequer



     the secretary of the treasury



Ministerstwo Spraw Wewnętrznych


the Ministry of Internal Affairs (and Administration)


the Interior Ministry


     the Home Office



     the Justice Department


minister spraw wew.


the minister of internal affairs


the interior minister


     the home secretary



     the attorney general



Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości


the Ministry of Justice


the Justice Ministry


     the Ministry of Justice


     the Department of Justice


minister sprawiedliwości


the minister of justice

the justice minister


     the justice secretary



     the attorney general




Ministerstwo Spraw Zagranicznych


the Ministry of Foreign Affairs


the Foreign Ministry


     the Foreign Office

     (the Foreign and Commonwealth Office)



     the Department of State

     the State Department



minister spraw zagranicznych


the minister of foreign affairs


the foreign minister


     the foreign secretary



     the secretary of state



Other Polish ministries: "the"?


there are three Polish ministries which use "the" in the name:

the Ministry of the Economy

the Ministry of the Treasury

the Ministry of the Environment


Minister bez teki


l  teka ministerialna

     a ministerial portfolio

l  minister bez teki

     minister without portfolio


l  Szef ministerstwa

WRONG: head/chief of the ministry

= minister of…

l  Szef dyplomacji

WRONG: head/chief of diplomacy

= minister of foreign affairs, foreign minister



Minister transportu Jerzy Polaczek



The Minister of Transport Jerzy Polaczek

The minister of transport Jerzy Polaczek



Minister of Transport Jerzy Polaczek


Transport Minister Jerzy Polaczek

(use abbreviated version in front)



Jerzy Polaczek, (the) minister of transport,

The minister of transport, Jerzy Polaczek,



Titles - "the" for office?


We leave out "the" if we refer to the office in an abstract sense:

WRONG: Bush was reelected as the president.

RIGHT: Bush was reelected as president.


WRONG: Kaczynski became the prime minister.

RIGHT: Kaczynski became prime minister.


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